Choosing a Testing Method to Deliver Reliability

By Lorenzo Strigini, P. Frankl, D. Hamlet, and B. Littlewood; 19th International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE'97)

Testing methods are compared in a model where pro- gram failures are detected and the software changed to eliminate them. The question considered is whether it is better to use tests that seek out failures (\debug test- ing") or to simulate usage and nd failures along the way (\operational testing"). \Better" is measured by the delivered reliability obtained after all test failures have been eliminated. This comparison extends previ- ous work, where the measure was the probability of de- tecting a failure. The theoretical treatment of the paper is probabilistic and analytical. Revealing special cases are exhibited in which each kind of testing is superior.

The full text of this paper is available in .pdf and .ps format.

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